Author Archives: Fadi Mansour

4 Games in Neuroeconomics You Should Know of: Trust, Ultimatum, Prisoner’s Dilemma & Public Goods

Neuroeconomics Games Review

4 Gameplays in Neuroeconomics – A Summary  The process of decision making in social situations can be very complicated, such that disruption to one’s capability of understanding and acting on social information can cause massive effects on their life. An effective way of measuring social decision-making that has also been adapted in neuroimaging is neuroeconomic […]

Don’t believe what they tell you – 2 Experiments to Measure Hypothetical Bias

Do not believe what they tell you

Opinions are a valuable tool for marketers. They can be used to influence people’s buying decisions or to sway public opinion on an issue. However, relying too heavily on opinions can be risky and lead to disappointment when those opinions don’t reflect the actual behavior of consumers. Marketers must use other data sources and opinion […]

How Understanding Neuroscience of Attention Can Boost Your Business Revenue 

Attention in Marketing

Attention is valuable to a business and is critical to a business’s growth and success. But what is attention, and why is it important for entrepreneurs to grasp the knowledge of consumer attention? Entrepreneurs can reap many benefits from comprehending the knowledge of the neuroscience of attention even though several other factors are at play. […]