The ambiguity effect is a cognitive bias (a shortcoming in logical reasoning induced by the human brain’s urge to conserve energy by cutting corners). It reflects our tendency to avoid alternatives that are confusing or lack information.
We dislike unpredictability and are thus more likely to choose an option where the likelihood of attaining a favourable result is guaranteed.
When offered the choice between two essentially comparable alternatives, one with information and the other with missing or unclear information, most individuals choose the option with stated information.
However, the cause of the ambiguity effect is unknown.
Previous researches conclude that people do not generally avoid ambiguous options.
Instead, they consider the anticipated result, the unpredictability of the outcome and their own needs to make an informed choice. All given that many choices in our natural setting must be made based on incomplete risk information.
Furthermore, considering that individuals in real life occasionally pick ambiguous alternatives on purpose, it’s also fascinating to learn under what conditions ambiguous options are favoured.
What Causes ambiguity effect?
There are various explanations as to why the ambiguity effect arises, just as there are for other cognitive biases.
According to cognitive and motivational theories, missing information or uncertainty is the main trigger of ambiguity aversion. It is argued that humans do not avoid ambiguity, but rather the large variety of outcomes of ambiguous alternatives. Due to the ambiguity effect, it may be difficult to give two valid solutions equal weight.
As a consequence, our decision-making processes are influenced. We may make an instinctive decision against something because we believe placing our confidence in the uncertainty is too hazardous.
We are limited by this cognitive bias because it stops us from enjoying the possible rewards of taking more risky actions.
Why does ambiguity effect happen?
Why does a lack of knowledge elicit such a strong reaction? This action is elicited by ambiguous information because, all else being equal, individuals link it with a substantial result; uncertainty.
According to Cosmides & Tooby, 1999; the human mind contains judgment call processes that need the demonstration of outcome possibilities to operate properly.
Assume you’re about to make an online purchase. To make well-informed purchasing decisions, you decide to do an online search for supplier evaluations.
Assume that one of the suppliers has an average rating and that the other has no ratings yet. Most people in this scenario would choose the services provided by the company with an average rating. Despite their average reviews, we’re more at ease now that we know what to expect.
We’re hesitant to make a purchase from an unknown vendor for fear that the products or services they provide may be substandard. However, if we play it safe, we run the danger of missing out on the excellent services provided by the non-rated company.
It is common for us to overlook the possibility that taking a risk will pay off in the long run when making these types of decisions.
Can you avoid ambiguity effect?
Ambiguity aversion has usually been examined from two angles: cognitive and motivational.
The cognitive technique presupposes that ambiguous information is transformed into a precise estimate, which is then utilized to produce the option’s predicted result.
As a result, a person compares a stated outcome to an estimated outcome term, rather than an unambiguous to an ambiguous alternative.
The specifics of this estimation process will decide whether the ambiguous choice seems more or less appealing than a known risk alternative with the same projected outcome.
People avoid ambiguous alternatives because the mechanism through which they estimate the outcomes are ineffective. It leads them to consider the predicted outcome of the ambiguous option to lower than that of the unambiguous option.
Final Thought
People compare unambiguous choices to an ambiguous ones, and the lack of understanding triggers mechanisms that induce them to avoid the ambiguous alternative.
Interpretations claim that individuals believe they are up against a hostile opponent who will take advantage of their lack of information, thus they choose the clear alternative.
As a consequence, it’s unclear why picking an unambiguous choice is simpler to defend than choosing an ambiguous one.