Category Archives: Behavioral Phenomenon

Attentional Bias- How does it influence our decision?

attentional Bias

Attentional Bias: What Is It? Attentional bias is the tendency to concentrate on certain aspects of one’s environment or situation while ignoring others. Due to the fact that it requires conscious intellectual engagement, attentional balance might be classified as a form of cognitive bias. Research has demonstrated that our attention can be influenced by a wide […]

Anchoring Bias – When the First Piece of Information Misleads Us 

anchoring effect

Anchoring bias is the tendency to make logical decisions from a particular reference point. The first piece of information is given a strong significance level mainly when there is no other evidence during decision-making. Based on the limited information, we tend to think that this information is a logical estimate. When more information is given, this […]

Action Bias – Can you resist?

Action Bias

Human beings can either have a propensity to do nothing or to do something. People who tend to prefer inaction are said to have a default bias or status quo bias, and this usually results from inertia or anticipated regret. However, many people display action bias, where they tend to prefer action over inaction. A […]

Ambiguity Effect – Why we tend to avoid something unknown

Ambiguity Effect

The ambiguity effect is a cognitive bias (a shortcoming in logical reasoning induced by the human brain’s urge to conserve energy by cutting corners). It reflects our tendency to avoid alternatives that are confusing or lack information. We dislike unpredictability and are thus more likely to choose an option where the likelihood of attaining a […]

Affect Heuristic

heuristic affect

Explained: This is Affect Heuristic When it comes to making decisions, we often rely on our gut feelings. This is because relying on our intuition allows us to make quick decisions without spending time analyzing all the possible options. However, research has shown that our intuition can sometimes lead us astray, especially when making judgments […]

The Framing Effect – How Presentation Can Change Our Minds

Framing Effect

Framing Effect – Definition The framing effect is a form of cognitive bias that affects decision-making. You can ask a question or present facts and data differently with the framing effect. For example, if surgery has 20% risks, you can frame this information as “80%-risk free” or “20% risk.” The framing effect will lead people […]

The Hindsight Bias – The knew-it-all-along phenomenon explained

Hindsight Bias

Hindsight bias is a cognitive bias that causes individuals to believe that past events were predictable even though they were not. This type of thinking can cause an individual to ignore information or fail to explore all available options fully. Hindsight bias is related to the “hindsight illusion” concept-the belief that we possess more knowledge […]