Author Archives: Fadi Mansour

Is an AI capable of “reading” your mind?


The groundbreaking study titled “Semantic Reconstruction of Continuous Language from Non-Invasive Brain Recordings” has demonstrated the potential of non-invasive brain recordings in decoding continuous language. By utilizing a brain-computer interface (BCI) and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), researchers were able to extract and analyze cortical semantic representations to reconstruct comprehensible word sequences. This innovative approach sheds light on the distributed nature of language processing in the brain and provides insights into how we comprehend and communicate.

The study’s findings also highlight the importance of human-machine collaboration, as the decoder’s performance was enhanced through subject collaboration in training and operation. Moreover, the research showed the predictive power of encoding and word rate models, allowing for the assessment of brain responses to speech stimuli. These models have the potential to revolutionize speech recognition technology and assistive devices for individuals with speech impairments.

Overall, this study marks a significant step forward in understanding the brain’s language processing mechanisms and opens doors to advancements in communication technology and language disorder treatments. By harnessing the power of non-invasive brain recordings, we can potentially unlock the continuous stream of language that resides within our minds.

Maximizing the Power of Your Surveys: Best Practices for Reducing Biases


Are you actively involved in surveys and wondering how to reduce biases? Well, surveys are an essential tool in neuroscience and behavioral economics research. They allow researchers to gather data on human behavior and decision-making.  Even better, the surveys can help researchers understand the factors influencing the decision-making process, including cognitive biases, social norms, and […]

The Curse of Digitalization – Virtual Meetings Can Lower Creativity

Virtual Meetings Can Lower Creativity

Introduction The world had to change a lot of things during the pandemic. Due to the strict regulations put in place by the government workers had to meet their colleagues online to coordinate operations. It was a great idea to engage each other online, but it came with a cost to the levels of creativity. […]

Moral Licensing is Real – When Corporate Social Responsibility Backfires

CSR Backfiring Moral Licensing

When Corporate Social Responsibility (CRS) Backfires A recent scientific paper, titled “When Corporate Social Responsibility Backfires: Theory and Evidence from a Natural Field Experiment” by John A. List and Fatemeh Momeni explores how corporate social responsibility can sometimes have negative consequences. The paper looks at how a company’s social responsibility practices can affect both consumers […]

A Tool to Fool: How Probability Presentation Can Manipulate Our Behavior

investigating perceptual biases

Probability Presentation – A Powerful Tool on HowYou Can Manipulate People’s Behavior There is no doubt that a probability presentation is a powerful tool when it comes to manipulating people’s behavior. By understanding how probabilities can be presented, anyone can use this information to influence people’s decisions. In this blog post, we will discuss how […]

The Longer You Stare at the Cheetos, the More Valuable it Becomes to You


Increasing a Visual Stimulus’ Duration Raises its Value in Our Brain When making choices, we often compare the value of different options to decide. In a new study, scientists have used eye-tracking technology to explore how people make these comparisons. They found that when looking at two options, our eyes tend to fixate on the […]

4 Games in Neuroeconomics You Should Know of: Trust, Ultimatum, Prisoner’s Dilemma & Public Goods

Neuroeconomics Games Review

4 Gameplays in Neuroeconomics – A Summary  The process of decision making in social situations can be very complicated, such that disruption to one’s capability of understanding and acting on social information can cause massive effects on their life. An effective way of measuring social decision-making that has also been adapted in neuroimaging is neuroeconomic […]

Don’t believe what they tell you – 2 Experiments to Measure Hypothetical Bias

Do not believe what they tell you

Opinions are a valuable tool for marketers. They can be used to influence people’s buying decisions or to sway public opinion on an issue. However, relying too heavily on opinions can be risky and lead to disappointment when those opinions don’t reflect the actual behavior of consumers. Marketers must use other data sources and opinion […]